Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others
Christopher Germer


Our fess can very depending on your needs and which professional you wish to see in our team. Please contact our friendly admin team to learn more about our services.


You might be eligible for a rebate to consult our team member. Refer to the Referral Pathway page for more information about how to access different rebates.


Payment is required at the time of your session. We accept cash, EFTPOS, and credit card. We have facilities to process your Medicare rebates back into the bank account of your choice. This makes claiming very easy and means that you do not need to visit a Medicare office. Make sure you bring your Medicare and EFTPOS cards with you to your sessions.

Cancellation Policy

48 hours’ notice is required for cancelled appointments, otherwise a cancellation fee of $80 will apply (excluding exceptional circumstances). Please speak to our admin team or your care provider to learn more.

Ready to get started?

Please contact our friendly reception team to have a chat or ask any further questions.