We don't to do it all alone. We were never meant to.
Brené Brown

sometimes thought of seeing a therapist can be overwhelming and we completely understand it. Please contact our friendly admin team for an obligation free chat to find best support for yourself and about our services.

Self-referral : You are welcome to speak to us and do not need a referral to access our services. Please note, in the absence of a referral, you might not be eligible, for a Medicare rebate.

Medicare rebate : Currently, Medicare offers rebate to see a psychologist for up to 10 sessions. Medicare rebate for clinical psychologist is $129.55 per session and a general psychologist is $88.25 which can significantly reduce the out-of-pocket cost for your session. Please contact your GP to organise a mental health care plan to access your Medicare rebate.

Private health insurance rebate : You might be eligible for a private health insurance, please contact your insurance provider to learn more this.  

NDIS support : Currently, we are not a registered NDIS provider. However, if you have self-managed or plan- managed funding through NDIS you can utilise applicable services at Mind Psychology.

Third party funding : We offer a range of third-party funders including the Traffic Accident Commission (TAC) and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Please note that you will need to obtain a GP referral if you would like your counselling to be funded by one of these organisations.

Ready to get started?

Please contact our friendly reception team to have a chat or ask any further questions.