Treatment Approaches

We specialise in providing a range of therapeutic modalities to create meaningful treatment plan to support you in working through life challenges and supporting you to become best version of yourself. Our treatment approaches are evidence based which means that research studies have found benefit in these treatment approaches being effective for a range of challenges we work with.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT: Engaging with CBT can help people reduce stress, cope with complicated relationships, deal with grief, and face many other common life challenges. CBT works on the basis that the way we think and interpret life’s events affects how we behave and, ultimately, how we feel. Studies have shown that it is useful in many situations. More specifically, CBT is a problem-specific, goal-oriented approach that needs the individual’s active involvement to succeed. It focuses on their present-day challenges, thoughts, and behaviours.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT: ACT gets its name from one of its core messages: accept what is out of your personal control and commit to action that improves and enriches your life. The aim of ACT is to maximise human potential for a rich, full and meaningful life. ACT does this by teaching you psychological skills to deal with your painful thoughts and feelings effectively – in such a way that they have much less impact and influence over you (these are known as mindfulness skills). Helping you to clarify what is truly important and meaningful to you – i.e. your values – then use that knowledge to guide, inspire and motivate you to change your life for the better.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

DBT: The term ‘dialectical’ means ‘working with opposites’. DBT uses seemingly opposing strategies of ‘acceptance’ and ‘change’. The therapist accepts you just as you are but acknowledges the need for change in order for you to recover, move forward and reach your personal goals. During a course of DBT, the therapist works with you to help you move away from a chaotic life and towards a life that you find personally meaningful and fulfilling. DBT involves developing two sets of acceptance-oriented skills and two sets of change-oriented skills.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Dr.Jeffrey Young for personality disorders and other so called “treatment resistant” psychological disorders. Schema Therapy is an integrative therapy which includes elements of cognitive, behavioural, gestalt and object relations therapy in one unified systematic approach to treatment. An Early Maladaptive Schema is defined as a stable and enduring theme which develops during childhood and/or adolescence and are elaborated throughout ones lifetime. Schemas are deep unconditional beliefs about oneself, one’s relationship to others and one’s relationship to the wider environment; it is the unconditional nature of these beliefs that distinguishes them from ordinary cognitive distortions found in traditional Cognitive Therapy.


There is a growing number of therapy approaches that incorporate mindfulness training. Mindfulness involves paying attention to each event experienced in the present moment within our body and mind, with a non-judgmental, non-reactive and accepting attitude. In learning to be mindful, we can begin to counter many of our everyday sufferings such as stress, anxiety and depression because we are learning to experience events in a more impersonal and detached way. Central principles and mechanisms of mindfulness include equanimity and impermanence.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing model posits that EMDR therapy facilitates accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is reduced.  During EMDR therapy the client attends to emotionally disturbing material in brief sequential doses while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. EMDR is now recognized as an effective form of treatment for trauma.

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